
Alice is an advanced humanoid robot designed to be controlled remotely via a Virtual Reality (VR) headset, allowing it to function as a versatile avatar in various environments. This innovative robot is engineered to perform a wide range of tasks across multiple sectors, including disaster response, hazardous work, scientific research, and military applications.

Key Features

>Remote Control via VR Headset: Alice can be seamlessly operated using a VR headset, providing the user with an immersive control experience.

>Wide Range of Applications: Alice’s design makes it suitable for critical tasks in disaster relief, handling dangerous substances, conducting research in inaccessible areas, and supporting military operations.

>Cost-Effective: Despite its advanced capabilities, Alice is an affordable solution, with a total cost of under 200 Euros.

>Advanced Technology: Powered by an ESP32 microcontroller, Alice combines efficiency with performance, making it a reliable tool for various high-stakes scenarios.

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